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a home in the woods.

"The mountains are calling and I must go."
{John  Muir}

we listened. & responded.
& in a clearly God-led process relocated to the woods
where deer roam and bears hibernate and all sort
of wildlife make their presence known.

a small village.
boasting business establishments
soon to close for the season,
  & a quaint grocery market
remaining open.

.we couldn't be more pleased.

the fact there are 4wd trails
practically just outside our door
is of little consequence to the hubs.
oh dear you've no idea ..... eye roll. ♥

as i type a number of squirrels scurry just outside
the window - stopping to watch
i'm sure at one point they'll be regarded as 
the bane of our existence
but for now...?

we've many home projects on the roster
and bit by bit will tackle the necessaries
then focus on the whims here and there
as time and energy and $$ allow. in a few weeks
time we've already completed an amazing
amount of tasks - surprising both of us!
then my upper back chose to rebel
leaving me somewhat incapacitated. 
until it fully heals i can tend
to ridiculously light 
to-do's and cooking.

speaking of cooking,
golly gee willikers
i've put up plenty of 
portioned freezer meals
..... sort of like
squirrels storing up for winter!
this has certainly
helped during my
season of strained muscles!
three perks though:
1) i've watched 2 seasons of
the british baking show
2) i read a book
3) the hubs does the dishes
... wink ...

we may throw caution to the wind &
simply finish the little vintage trailer
restoration and take off for a grand
month of travel. or more. don't
be surprised by a knock on your door.
... double wink ...

"Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth,
do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19

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