Discovering a coven of mystics on Stanhope's campus, Supergirl attempts to shut them down, but the leader, Zond, utilizes magic to defeat her...
Though writer/artist/editor Mike Sekowsky eschewed the use of footnotes, we'll point out that Morgana the Witch had appeared a few months earlier, in DC's Wonder Woman #186 (1970).
A Special Presentation of Never-Reprinted Pages Showing Fan-Created Designs for Supergirl's Costume
(some of which were eventually used)!
Supergirl again uses her previously-unknown telepathic powers, this time to probe the mind of Henry to learn the spell to summon Morgana!
TOMORROWA Special Presentation of Never-Reprinted Pages Showing Fan-Created Designs for Supergirl's Costume
(some of which were eventually used)!
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