If you have a website and are interested in hosting an edition of The Georgia Carnival, please let elementaryhistoryteacher know via this email address: gamind@mail.com.
Thanks to everyone who helped spread the word about the last edition. As always links to the carnival are much appreciated. Next week’s edition will be hosted by Otter from Grasping For the Wind. Writers are invited to send contributions to: john.ottinger@gmail.com or use the handy submission form.
On to the submissions….
Alvaro at Brain Fitness wants to let high school students know about an essay contest. Check out Brain Essay Contest for High School Students and forward to any high school student you know.
Pastor Bill at Provocative Church is asking questions. He says, “What are the things or people that drive you and me? What makes you irritated, discontented or unsatisfied unless you have that certain thing/person/circumstance? That is the idol of your heart.” Bill’s questions have already convicted me and I’m heading over to his post Identifying the Idols of Our Heart to face myself.
Otter at Grasping for the Wind provides two offerings this time including Book Review: Night which is a well written book review. Otter also challenges us with A Bookish Challenge
where he is asking for reader input. Go on over and answer his question.
Fellow fourth grade teacher, Terrell at Alone on a Limb provides Learning in the Great Outdoors: First Edition which is his first edition of the Carnival of Environmental Education. I kind of like that...a carnival linking to another carnival. Terrell always provides great text and pictures.
Rusty at Radical Georgia Moderate went to New York and returned to discuss My Renewed Appreciation for the South. Yes, there is no comparison when placing New York in one hand and Atlanta in the other. Go let Rusty know what you think.
Don at Idle Minutes has been on the blogroll for a short time. He states he is a Georgia blogger and illustrator and “observes” life as it flies by. He tries to see things from a different angle. Guess what his post Sneeze, Cough, Wheeze is about? His illustrations are worth the click over, and his writing is interesting as well.
David over at Another History Blog educates us with Marian Sims and Reconstruction in South Carolina. The post takes a hard look at an overlooked author/historian who probably gave us a more realistic picture of Reconstruction than more popular offerings like Gone With the Wind.
So there you have it…edition seven. As stated before the next edition will be found at Grasping For the Wind on Friday, April 27, 2007. Submissions will be accepted through 6 p.m. eastern time on Thursday, April 26th. Submissions can be emailed to john.ottinger@gmail.com or use the handy submission form here.
Thanks for supporting the Georgia Carnival!