Jaime's Mom
So, Jaime does a little sneaking around. Here we see Jaime, after a long night of Superheroics, after ending up miles out of town and having to hitch a ride back, sneaking in through an open window late at night.
Into his baby sister's room.

Milagro naturally shrieks her head off, and parental help comes running. So here is the point in a story where we see the father rushing through the door with his shotgun, devoted wife clinging to his shoulder nervously, right?
Wrong! Guess who comes running when Milagro cries in this family.

A Mama with a baseball bat. I have to say, she's off to a better start in this series than her son is.
This is only the second issue of Blue Beetle, so there's not much data on Mama Reyes (I didn't even see her first name anywhere), but I already like her. For that, and for her part in the first issue below.

The time of day, the door that mysteriously opens despite Mom's hands being full, the banter, the fighting with the older brother... This could be my family. It even looks like she has the same job as my own mother!