I have just not been able to get worked up about politics lately. Honestly, the Con win really knocked the wind out of my sails. I feel like I just have to weather the storm until the fuckers get voted out in 4ish years.
But I'm still watching and shaking my head. The PM's own office breaking spending rules? That does ^NOT surprise me. I feel like I'm getting cynical. See, here's the thing. They're the assholes who screamed and hollered about Adscam, accountability, and cleaning up Ottawa. And now, they're just as bad as the Liberals ever were. It's disgusting. Not that I ever believed them in the first place...
The union busting tactics between Canada Post and the feds don't surprise me either. I know, it's shocking, but I support the union. The thing of it is that Canada Post runs a profit. It is not taxpayer supported. So there's no excuse to not pay decent wages and good pensions. None.
Oh, and CBC is liberal media. And my ass smells like roses. Could this article be any more slanted against the union? I mean, I know it's opinion, but it's anti-union. So it's not lefty. HELLO?!
In good news, Ed Broadbent has announced a left-wing think tank. Something to rival the Fraser Institute, I imagine. Shouldn't be hard to outthink that bunch. I wonder if they'll give me a job. :)
Oh, and since I'm a BCer, I have to say something about the rioting in Vancouver the other night. It would have happened regardless of the game outcome. It's simple: when you get over 100000 people in one place, about 1 in 1000 of them will be a total fucking asshole. The hockey was more or less irrelevant. To explain this, I drew this venn diagram.