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Those Poor People...

I always wondered what it'd be like to live in a comic book universe and have to explain to someone like I dunno a lawyer, or an insurance claims adjuster, or even just a close friend when something incredibly bizarre happens.

I'm not really talking about the big stuff, like Black Adam smashing up the city or White Martians invading or San Diego sinking into the ocean. I mean, those are pretty unmistakable.

But how about the little stuff? The really weird stuff. Like that time in Kyle's run of Green Lantern when a couple of city blocks suddenly got replaced with a chunk of future city. It reverted, but still, it'd make a hell of a campfire story.

Or you know, when Hourman turned Beth into a baby. Well, in that case, she ended up fairly entrenched with superhero life. But that sort of bizarre transformation's happened to others, I'm sure. And all the Silver Age type wackiness...

Oh, well, I bet the average bystanders in the DCU have the best "I never..." drinking games ever!

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