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Baby it’s Cold Outside

Working on some new things and they are coming fast and furious...
a pair a day and that is very good for me.

Pantone color of the year Emerald Green

I do get trapped into a rut I can’t get out of sometimes and my brain
freezes and I get overwhelmed...this  week however I felt a real shift...
something happened.  For one thing I am a lot more confident in my abilities...

I’m making things longer and bigger...more of a statement.  I wore a pair of these
danglers out the other night and was amazed at how cool I felt...they
make such a statement that black turtleneck and jeans and my winter
cardigan looked new and modern...the swing and boldness of the
earrings made me feel with it and pretty.

My biggest thing seems to be that I start to think if i buy more
supplies that I’ll get more ideas...now this is true in many ways
but a better approach seems to be the old use what you got...
so I started to dig deep in my piles and found some pretty neat
stuff I forgot about

It’s bloody freezing here...well for California standards...
like in the 50s at night...I know...I  know... the rest of you
are probably saying oh geez but for us thin skins its cold...
So I’m bundled up at my work bench and taking advantage
of this spell of productivity while it’s happening...
jammies barely come off as I get to work in the early morning
and keep at it....my hands are hurting like hell but I just
do an Aleve and put on my hand braces and keep calm
and carry on.

ohh..i love these...making a pair to keeps.

And the ever popular bangle stacks using a bit of over-dyed
crochet sent to me by one of youse guys in our frantic
“Traveling Box” exchange days of yore.

keep warm...happy winter..bh

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