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Getting Into The ' New Normal '

I am trying to get into the mindset of the 'new normal', a different way of doing things and getting a bit of my confidence back. Earlier in the week I went to get a second haircut, 6 weeks after the first one.  The salon was still clean, chairs well spaced and only 2 customers at a time.  I wore my mask again but it's really tricky getting the sides of my hair cut whilst wearing it especially the bit around my ears.  I was asked if I was comfortable with releasing the ear elastic one side at a time so that the hairdresser could cut the sides evenly! I held the mask over my face instead so that she could complete the job.  She was wearing a visor and standing behind me so I felt safe doing that. This is the result.......

Today we paid a visit to Ashwood Nurseries to get some compost and some more plants.  It wasn't too busy so we bought jacket potatoes for lunch and ate them in the coffee shop as there was a clean table right by the open doorway and a lady was right on the ball with sanitizer and a cloth doing the tables as soon as they were vacated.  It was lovely eating something I hadn't had to prepare myself at last!  We really enjoyed it.

I spotted the little fella above sitting displayed on a wall outside.  Although we've downsized bigtime I simply had to have him at £10.50  He is sitting in guard of some of my few precious remaining books on the shelf in my bedroom!  Touch them at your peril...lol...!!

I explained in a previous post how the food bill has been running away with me.  When I popped into the supermarket for a TV guide I passed the reduced section and saw this bread reduced from 85p to 26p.  I've popped it into the freezer and will take out a couple of slices as I need them.  G will only eat white bread so this will last me a while.  The first proper saving for months....

I simply must get back into the frugal habit I had before.   With this in mind, we did a manual shop at Sainsburys last week.  I used their scan and bag system, the first time I've ever used it for a big shop.  An assistant sanitized a scanner and handed it to me and I cleaned the handle of the trolley well myself.  The store was busy but very organized.  At the Smart Checkout it was amazingly quick and simple to do (no queueing) and I used £40 of Nectar points in part payment.  A £64 shop therefore cost me just £24 and I could even use contactless to pay.  I'll certainly do it again at some point, although I'm reluctant to give up home deliveries completely, but I am getting pretty fed up with substitutions and battered shopping being delivered!

I realised today that I have accrued quite a number of Boots Loyalty points too, so I have just placed an order online for over £30 worth of shampoo, deodorant, hand wash, hand gel, antibac wipes, talc etc which has cost me nothing in the way of cash, just points AND it's free delivery too.

Phew...I'm getting back on track at last, I think. 

Next I need to review the household bills.  It's been almost 9 months since we moved so I should be able to get a better idea of whether my original budget was on track or not.  Watch this space....

How are you all getting on with your spending? Is it more up or down?

Stay safe everyone wherever in the world you happen to be x

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