It is a nice morning here on sweetthing's half acre and my personal weather quack sent me an e-mail allowing it will continue to be one of those Chamber of Commerce tourist ad days:
Dear Guy,
A nice comfortable day is forecast for you. It is a cool morning for some of us where our morning lows have dipped into the upper 40s!
Humidity will remain low this afternoon under sunny skies. Highs will be in the lower 80s along the beaches, and the mid to upper 80s inland.
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Meteorologist Jennifer Hill
Of course it may pour down rain by noon..this is Florida where you can't depend on nothin'...except crooked politicians, lots of illegal aliens, and that every major city here is trying to emulate the third world. I'd move to Texas if I'da learned to hablo espanol.
I've got a physical therapy session at 0830 today. I think this will be my last one..hell, everything I do there I can do at home and it cost me about $10 bucks in gasoline just to attend the sessions. I reckon they are helping but I hurt if I do the therapy and I hurt if I don't and each day I thank the creator for making the dude what makes darvocets.
Me and sweetthing had a pretty good workout yesterday..I got the hay mowed..didn't rake it..hell too many weeds in it to be of much use anyway and I ain't bought any goats...yet. Sweetthing spent an hour or so with the weed eater and got everything trimmed up. Now I have to put down some herbicide and pesticide and fertilizer..how do I get myself into these situations?
I am not a big fan of pesticides. Seems every one of them kill as many of the "good" bugs as the destructive ones. But on sweetthing's half acre if I want grass to grow I ain't got any choice...the soil on this place is infected with nematodes that thrive on the roots of the grass I get started..but will not even touch the damn weeds..I am thinking about just growing weeds...be cheaper and take a lot less water.
I learned a valuable lesson yesterday at the local Home Depot..those people working in the Garden department know less about plants than I do and I don't know shit! Now I can raise some dry land grain and alfalfa hay and even do a pretty good job on pole beans and 'maters'..but I know very little about flowers and such...but neither do they. I am wanting some hydrangea shrub to put in the beds I am gonna build around the Live Oak grove..the people at Home Depot had one type..a pretty flowering thing in a pot for about ten bucks..and the proceded to tell me that hydrangea will not grow well here because of the heat. Well, I knew that was a lie..my neighbor has some six foot tall! SO I did whatever faithful google nut does..I googled...and yeah, I need a variety called French Hydrangea that will grow even in zone ten..and I am in zone nine. But I ain't gonna try to get it at Home Depot..I'll order it on line or else from a local nursery. I have to admit I am hesitant to plant anything associated with "French" but then there are some good things that come out of France I reckon..but other than a French Kiss I don't know what...
This gotdam diet I am back on is kicking my butt this time. I have dropped another couple of pounds..11 pounds in eight days..but need to get off at least twenty more before I stop the semi-fasting thing..oh hell, it ain't that..I am on a balanced 1000 calorie diabetic diet..it works. My blood sugar is back where it supposed to be and I am drooping pounds but I sure am hungry. I use greens for fodder...I have ate so damn much spinach and turnips greens that I feel like I need a brisket so I can burp up and chew some cud like an old bull in a pasture. But I figure that I'll be alright as long as I don't walk by the bakery section of the grocery store..I can gain a pound from the smell of fresh baked bread.
I gotta run..about time to head for the PT place..y'all come back, heah?