The last silage cut of the season is in full swing on all the farms around here today. For the first time in a few weeks the weather forecast is for dry weather throughout the week. In fact, over the last hour the sun has disappeared and the sky is now totally cloudy, but all the pine cones on our drive (under the Scots pine trees) are fully open and the farmer says this is a good indication that it will stay dry. Didn't there used to be an old musical hall song, "And when I got hold of my seaweed, I knew it was going to be wet?" I suppose indications like seaweed and pinecones are as good as anything else in forecasting the weather. Anyway - fingers crossed for all the farms round here as all the grass is down and drying.
My morning was spent in town and then in a coffee shop with friend W. The afternoon has been spent cleaning silver and brass, cleaning out several cupboards (hard when one has a dodgy knee and the cupboards are at floor level), and ticking the jobs off on the list I made (always the most satisfying bit).
Are you a list maker? I almost make lists of lists. Also I cheat. Today I made my 'jobs intended today' list and then, when I was half way through them I remembered I had to ring and make an appointment to see the Optometrist, so I did that. Then I added that job to my list and ticked it off. Am I daft or am I daft?