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Pretty Things. Funny Things.

My Dad lives near Newport Oregon and took these pictures while he was out and about. After a couple of days of Prop H8 rants I decided to put up a little something pretty. And something pretty cute.

These are crab floats used to set cages in and around Newport Harbor. I love all the colors.
And down there is a Sea lion who woke up when my father started clicking his picture. Maybe he should be on Make Me A Supermodel.

And this is Newport Harbor, with the bridge in the background.

As for this one.
We're having the house painted and I had to corral all the cats into the sunroom so the painters could open the windows and do the trim and the sills. Tuxedo and Tallulah promptly fell asleep, but little MaxGoldberg, of the Boca Raton Goldbergs, went in the CPP--Cat Protection Program. He hid under couch cushions and stayed there until the painters left.

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