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Teabag Tidbits and other randomness

We had a plethora of cardinals yesterday.  Sorry for the dirty window, and lawn furniture in the way of your view.

There were over a dozen.  I was taking photos quickly, so sorry they are out of focus too.  I couldn't believe there were so many of them in one place.

One of my daughters came out for a visit yesterday.  I was just thinking about her too.  She typically is the only daughter (that's moved out) that comes to visit anymore.  I do enjoy her company.

I had so much to do yesterday, that reading time was very limited.  I hope I can finish my book, but I do have a crochet order as well.  

We have a long week of no sunshine this week.  I have had all the lights on, which I know won't shrink my inflated electric bill, but man.

I managed to make a trip to the library, just to get out of the house for a short spell.

Seed catalogs have arrived.  I am trying to make a conscious effort to downsize, just in case we have a rotten spring.  I can't go in debt with spending and no bounty from it.  It's tough to figure out what to continue to grow and what to cut out of the list.  I miss my popcorn, but I can buy non-gmo about 3 hours from here, which lasts for us.  I know I will order more garlic.  I doubt what I planted (so late too) in the grow bags last fall will amount to much of anything.

We have officially run out of wood.  We got zero cut last night.  Hubby took had overtime.

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