Learning to move forward again after life takes a heartrending turn (or two, or three, or four) can be quite challenging...and no matter how strong the desire to move forward is, the strength to do so... much of the time, isn't quite there yet. It takes faith, baby steps, a robot button...and a bit of time.
The path can at times feel as if it is one continuous, never ending climb upwards, with shaking legs, a lack of breath, and stitch in your side...but you keep moving upward, and forward, knowing that eventually you *will* get to the top and be able to rest...if only to build up another batch of strength for the next climb ahead.
BTW - I must now always carry Miss. Ginger up the steps seen above, for at 15, she can no longer bound up them the way she used to...I don't mind though, as it offers the chance to sneak in a few extra cuddles and kisses with her, and those help tremendously on journeys such as these.
Moving forward can also sometimes feel that no matter how hard you try to head towards a state of normality, it seems as if you're just heading straight into a great big body of water, with the path completely lost to the watery emptiness of heart and soul.
But if by grace you chance to lift up your eyes, you see that there is help for getting across the seemingly uncrossable depths...a little detour is all that's needed, one that will set you upon those empty waters, and peacefully help you to continue the journey forward...this time in rest, and if your lucky, with corn dogs, because the snack bar will be open.
Once in a while the path forward is pretty wonky and steep, and also seems headed straight into the deep, watery depths of despair. Little do we see though the sharp curve at the end that will allow us to veer right and stay on course, another faith and trust filled detour that allows us to keep moving...if not forward, then sideways...which is better than backwards, and can lead one once again...to forwards.
Other times the path is straight and smooth, yet still seems headed nowhere...a bit stark and empty, with the horizon a long way off.
But then...as we continue venturing forward, all of a sudden beauty once again starts to materialize around us...beauty that was there all along, but wasn't visible to our somewhat dazed and melancholy eyes.
Even the winding paths, shrouded by lurking storm clouds, and teetering on cliffs edge....
Begin to offer a comforting, bright protection...making the unknown that lies around the bend, a bit less worrisome, and a bit more inviting...it just takes time, and those trusting, faith-filled baby steps.
As you can see...I have been a great collector of 'paths'. These images were all taken on walks with Miss. Ginger...my steady companion in baby-steps and moving forward. And whether she's leading, or I am, or we're both just walking side by side, it's nice to have a such a willing friend to walk these paths with, especially one that gives you no choice in the matter...what a blessing she's been during this journey!
And so have you dear friends, truly. ♥