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Weekend Wanders...

No time for any wandering this weekend! It was Hi Ho, Hi Ho, off to work I go :-(

Running into T**co for a lunch time butty on Friday I spied this lovely skirt.

The blue caught my eye & as I've mentioned previously  I have recently found myself attracted to varying shades of the hue! Quick try on & it was a no brainer!

Here I am at 2.00am after wearing it to a 40th Birthday Party! 
(Don't look at the background chaos!!)

Have I told you I LOVE Stags??? LOL!
Well, when I got into work this morning look what was sat on my desk!
Isn't he just gorgeous?

 My lovely friend Julie had seen it whilst on her Weekend Wanders 
& said she just had to treat me!

How lucky am I to have such wonderful friends? 

I'm off to Scotland tomorrow with my Son, his Girlie & her Mum - 
Back with photo's no doubt.

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