Finishing the French Toast Kristy asked if the chef could send out one last taste and I agreed without question. While I cannot recall the official name, the item I received was delivered by the chef himself and described as a warm “donut.” Essentially a pate a choux similar to a large gougere but stuffed with warm vanilla custard the pastry itself literally melted in the mouth leaving behind a warm splash of creamy vanilla – while not exactly a donut, if it were a donut it’d be the best I’ve ever had.
Settling the hefty bill (about the same price as their Sunday brunch after tax and tip) I will note that Mozen was the most expensive solo breakfast I’ve ever attended, but at the same time it really is not out of line with what one would pay at Bouchon or Tableau and the food was just as good while the service was actually superior…and all three are equally tricky to locate. Packing me up a cup of coffee and two extra “donuts” (no charge) to go I thanked Kristy and the woman at the reservations desk for a lovely meal and got lost, again, en route to the lobby. Next time I’m in Vegas I’m heading back to MoZen for the brunch – assuming I can find it. For now I’ll just call it a hidden gem and hope that others discover it for themselves.