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Baby Quilt

When the New Year rings in,
it always brings new 
and exciting things 
with it,

and for our family it is bringing
a new great niece.

She is due sometime this month:)

Just before I got sick,
I purchased a 14 inch quilting hoop.
So, I was able to quilt this quilt
on my lap 
in the comfort of our living room.

The embroidery was done on my
machine with a design package
purchased from 
Oregon Patch Works.
If you have a machine that does embroidery,
I want to tell you 
that this is a great company 
to do business with. 

Their costumer service can not be beat.

Making baby quilts is so much fun
and if you are new to quilting
they make a great first project.

Have a wonderful day
Keep Smiling!
Your blogging sister,
Connie :)  

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