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We moved after the first of the year, just 50 miles but with my job gone that puts us closer to where we have to be three times a week for another month.
Living in an RV means moving is not that hard.

The new place is really nice, we're right on a lake but the area is really different.
In western Washington state the area along I-5 is generally more 'built up' than the other areas.... There are a lot more people here than I'm used to.

We're in a new area and need to find a Walmart, we need a phone card you can only get at Walmart. I go to the GPS, it tells me 7miles & I push the "Go" button.
This Walmart is not close to the interstate... there are a lot of stop lights & there are a lot of people. We get to the Walmart and the lines are huge! Where did all these people come from?

There is a point to all of this, I can remember pulling into a strange town & wondering where the nearest big food store was. If it wasn't right on the main drag we had to hunt for it.  That was then.  Now I have GPS, I punch to button for "grocery store" and it points me too it.
Not just the Walmart but Winco & Trader Joe's too!

  But the GPS won't tell me where all of these people came from ...

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