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Reclaiming The Garden

Well, it's a mahoosive welcome to Spring from  moi!!
Had a very productive weekend continuing to reclaim the garden - started in September last year 
(you can see the grass is greener :-)! Olly was outside with us all day - and is now snoozing at my feet having doggy dreams!! :-)
Of all the things I wish I were it is a gardener. Sadly I am not. I am just hopeless. 
However, I love a good fire! 
There is so much to do. We need to take down chicken world as we no longer have our lovely chucks :-( Clear paths, discover steps that haven't seen the light of day for years.......
We ended the day drinking cider (Mr.L) & prosecco (me) eating sweet potatoe baked on the fire!
& here a small collage of our hard work.....

So, tell me - do you like gardening?
Any tips to make it easier???

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