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Tea Cup Exchange

I received my box from my exchange partner for the tea cup exchange on Stephanie's Blog  and  I am thrilled with what all my partner Linda sent me. Check out her blog.
This is such a fulfilling thing to do, I love surprises and this was.

Look how sweet she wrapped all my goodies

 Love these little napkins especially since they have the dark blue trim

Oh how I wanted to eat this entire box of Godiva Biscuits. I did enjoy the honey spoon in my cup of hot tea. These spoons are wonderful if you have never had any, get some !

Then look at this bag of vintage lace behind the honey spoons !! fabulous
So Nice

Then I just had to have a hot cup of tea in my new beautiful calico cup,since I'm trying very hard not to enjoy sweets I didn't have a fresh scone or sweet bread with my hot tea. I did enjoy the honey spoons she sent me however. Thank you so much Linda for being my surprise partner and thanks to Stephanie for doing this for us all to enjoy.


Isn't this all wonderful?

Linky Parties I could join in

Bernideen's Tea Time
Coastal Charm Party 

Beverly's Blog Shop
Share Your Cup 

PINK Saturday 
Waste Not Wednesday

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